Strong Families

Mormon Family Prayer

As we work to improve ourselves and our families, we must remember that the Lord wants us to have joy and happiness in our lives. One of Satan’s most effective tools is discouragement.

Sometimes in our efforts to improve, we forget that change and growth take time. We should remember that overnight perfection, for us or our family members, is impossible. Enjoying our families, despite our flaws and theirs, is one of the joys we should accept.

The Prophet Joseph Smith, founder of the Mormon Church, said,

“Happiness is the object and design of our existence; and will be the end thereof, if we pursue the path that leads to it; and this path is virtue, uprightness, faithfulness, holiness, and keeping all the commandments of God. But we cannot keep all the commandments without first knowing them, and we cannot expect to know all, or more than we now know unless we comply with or keep those we have already received.” (Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, sel. Joseph Fielding Smith [Salt Lake City: Deseret Book Company, 1976], pp. 15556.)

It isn’t always easy to create love and harmony within our families, but it is vital, especially today when we and our children must withstand the growing evil influences around us.

Family – The family is the basic unit of society and needs to be built up to protect against the influences of the world.

Strengthening Husband and Wife RelationshipsThe unity between a husband and wife is of supreme importance to a healthy family and a happy family.

Emotional Infidelity: There is more to fidelity than avoiding romantic and physical relationships with others. It also requires complete emotional fidelity.

A New Look at the Marriage Covenant:  Husband and wife as servants to the marriage covenant.

Strengthening Parent and Child Relationships – The unity between parents and their children is also important. Parents and children should be open with each other, and parents ever nurturing.

Motherhood – The joys and responsibilities of motherhood cannot be filled by anyone other than the mother of a child.

Fatherhood – A strong father’s role is vital.

Single Parenting – The task of raising a child or children alone is daunting, but it is possible.

Encouragement and Praise – These are two of the most effective tools in raising children and developing strong relationships.

-Understanding the Personality Development of Children: When you understand the natural development of a child’s personality, you find it easier to be patient and to help.

Reasoning With Children: Better than arguing!

Reclaiming a Wayward Child: Learn ways to work toward getting back the child who has gone astray.

Children and Worth

Strengthening Relationships with Those around You – Ed J. Pinegar and Richard J. Allen, excerpted from a forthcoming book called, What We Need to Know and Do on improving relationships with people in your life.

Family Conversations: The average family spends only a few minutes a day really talking. To make a family strong, you need more time than that.

Strengthening Individual Family Members – Children have individual needs and parents need to be aware of all of them. Some things may be more difficult for some children than others.

Sibling Rivalry; Every set of siblings has it, but we can minimize it.

Sharing Sorrow: Help strengthen your family in times of grief by sharing your sorrow as a family.

The Strength of Mormon Families – Mormons believe that families can be eternal, which prompts them to develop great devotion to their spouses and their children.

Bonds that Tie the Family: What you need to know about keeping your family emotionally close.

Encouragement and Praise: Children and spouses need to hear these often.

The Duties of Parents – Parents have many duties to their children, to promote their happiness and maturity and morality. Here, they are further explained.

Marriages and Families Blessed by the Gospel of Jesus Christ – Families and marriages can overcome the modern attacks of Satan. By Larry Barkdull. Content made possible by Ilene Olsen and Ron and Bonnie McMillan.

Avoiding Contention:  by Ed J. Pinegar and Richard J. Allen, excerpted from a forthcoming book called What We Need to Know and Do.

Creating Cooperation in the Home: Help your family work cooperatively, not competitively, to achieve common goals. by Ed J. Pinegar and Richard J. Allen, excerpted from a forthcoming book called What We Need to Know and Do.

Counseling Your Children: Ed J. Pinegar and Richard J. Allen, excerpted from a forthcoming book called What We Need to Know and Do on how to counsel your children as they grow up.

Parenting Teens Who Date: Are your teenagers dating? Learn how to make this a successful and Christlike experience.

Morality – Morality is essential to a strong society as well as to a strong marriage and eternal happiness.

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Work – How to learn the value of work and teach it to your children.

Workplace—Making It a Great Place to Be – How to make your workplace a better environment in which to work.

Efficiency and Effectiveness as Measures of Success – Both are necessary for a positive outcome, but neither should replace real effort in our relationships.

Time – An article on the value of time and how we should use it, excerpted from a forthcoming book by Ed J. Pinegar and Richard J. Allen, called What We Need to Know and Do.

Time Management: It’s in short supply for every family. Here is how to get the most out of the time you have.

Stress – Stress is something we each deal with, but using it in the right way can have a positive effect.

Meditation – Taking time to meditate can ease the burdens we have in our lives and renew us spiritually.

Habit – Good habits can help us succeed and bad habits can destroy us. Set good habits for yourself and your family.

Debt: How to Be Free of It – Debt enslaves us, and we should never take on more debt than we can handle. Live within your income and teach your children to save.

Take Your Family for a Walk: A simple walk can give you uninterrupted time to bond with your family.

Family Home Evening: Putting aside a few hours one evening a week for family fun and learning can have eternal benefits.

–How to Plan a Family Night: You’ve set aside the time for a weekly family night. Now what?

–Creating Wholesome Activities: In a world of immorality, you can create homemade wholesome fun in your own home.

–Teaching Children to Avoid Apathy: Apathy can cause a child to withdraw from the things that matter in life. Here’s how to prevent it through family home evening lessons.

–Teaching Children About Volunteering: Use a family night to encourage your children to do community service.

Teaching Children About Charity: In a topic related to volunteerism, teach children how to be charitable.

Teaching Children About Agency: Your children have a right to make choices–but not to choose the consequences of their choices. A family night lesson.

Helping Children Become Accountable: A family night lesson that helps children become responsible for their own choices.

–Teaching Children About Education: Use a family night lesson to help children learn to appreciate their educations, regardless of how they get it.

Teaching Children About Goals: Help your children plan their lives, rather than living it randomly through this family night lesson.

Food Storage: Safety in Tough Times: If you have food on hand, you’re ready for unemployment, being snowed in, or any other emergency.

Understanding: Understanding a person’s personality or situation can improve communication. Tips for learning how to understand.

Teaching by Example: Make sure your actions match your words.

Combating Materialism in Children: The world is always trying to sell to your children. Show them the best things in life aren’t bought.

ducation in Family Life

Teaching Children

Creating Learning-Centered Homes

Teaching Children in the Home

Helping Babies Develop Language

Having Effective Family Story Time

What is Homeschooling?

Strengthening Your Family Through Homeschooling

What Your Child Needs Before He Reads

Reading Readiness Skills 

Reading Readiness: Colors and Shapes

Teaching Children Their First Words

Teaching Your Child Phonics

Teaching Your Child the Alphabet

Teaching Your Child to Read Sentences

Articles for Children: Articles you can give your children to read that help them strengthen their families.

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