January of 2013 marked the 40th anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision of Roe v. Wade that overturned state abortion laws and which sanctioned abortion on demand across the United States. Since 1973, women all over the country have been able to  take the life of their unborn children without the thought of consequence or repercussion for their actions.


The Heritage Foundation and Meridian Magazine discuss this monumental decision, in an article which reminds the American people that we need to save our children. Quoting President Reagan a few years after the Roe vs. Wade decision he says:

“Abortion has denied [these children] the first and most basic of human rights, and we are infinitely poorer for their loss. We are poorer not simply for lives not led and for contributions not made, but also for the erosion of our sense of the worth and dignity of every individual. To diminish the value of one category of human life is to diminish us all.”

With the unspeakable number of over 55 million abortions recorded since 1973, we need to take heed of President Reagan’s words and educate and promote the life of an unborn child.


Black Mormon Mother and BabyOur society has become desensitized to the effects of abortion. Chuck Donovan, president of the Charlotte Lozier Institute, which is an organization in research and education for and in behalf of unborn children, says the ruling for abortion will “remain the ultimate in unsettling law, upending the meaning of the Declaration of Independence and creating conditions where human lives are not seen as created equal in value.” With the help of the Charlotte Lozier Institute and others who are willing to write and speak for those unborn people, we might save lives.


There are testimonies to be heard from those born instead of aborted.  From The Abortion Survivor’s Network many testimonies are told of these people originally aborted and left to die but somehow survived. They are happy to be alive. They are very grateful for the life they lead, even though many of them are disabled because of what was done to them to prevent them from being born.


But there is hope. According to a report posted in 2012 by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, abortions have dropped by five percent in the United States.  This information was taken from data of 2009 and shows a definite decline in abortions. Those Americans who promote a pro-life stance are starting to make a difference.


The pro-life movement is growing stronger every year. From The Heritage Foundation article posted January 17, 2013, it is reported that,

“According to Americans United for Life, at least 60 new pro-life laws were enacted in states across the country last year alone. Thousands of community-based pregnancy centers have harnessed the best of the power and spirit of civil society, providing compassionate counseling, holistic support, and accurate information to women facing unplanned pregnancies.”

This news is outstanding for the pro-life movement and gives the American people motivation that we can still help young girls to understand why it’s so important to bring babies into the world regardless of their circumstance. We can make a difference to save lives.


There seems to be a downward spiral for the abortion crusade. From lifenews.com, Steve Ertelt reports the Time Magazine cover story of the losing battle of pro-abortionists saying from the first year of the decision which allowed legal abortions, the pro-life movement has been gaining ground.  In this January 14th, 2013 issue, Emily Buchanan writes, “Not only does this young generation of pro-life women shun the notion that abortion somehow liberates women; it views abortion as the civil- and human-rights cause of our day.”


From an abortion survivor, Gianna Jessen, we read these words from her testimony before the Constitution Subcommittee of the House Judiciary Committee on April 22, 1996,

“Today, a baby is a baby when convenient. It is tissue or otherwise when the time is not right. A baby is a baby when miscarriage takes place at two, three, four months. A baby is called a tissue or clumps of cells when an abortion takes place at two, three, four months. Why is that? I see no difference. What are you seeing?”

As pro-life supporters we can make a difference.  We can motivate and support those who are struggling with the decision of whether to keep their babies. Educating young women to keep their babies helps tremendously and can save a future generation of children.


This article was written by Valerie Steimle, a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.


Valerie Steimle MormonDespite being born and raised a Yankee, Valerie Steimle moved to southern Alabama with her husband and nine children and have found herself partial to the south. She has always been passionate about strengthening families and despite being busy with her own, felt compelled to write about it. Starting with a column in the local newspaper, she has since published several books regarding family issues. During that time her husband passed away suddenly and she was left to raise her five youngest children alone. She has moved forward with faith however, and has found happiness in her God, her family and her writing.


Additional Resources:


Mormon Doctrines


Crazy Mormon Beliefs


Basic Mormon Beliefs and Real Mormons




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